
How Do Oxygen-free Copper Cables Provide Class and Quality to Audio-Visual Systems?

03 June 2019

A blissful sensation falls over an audiophile’s mind when a pure audio signal spills out of a high-end speaker system. A top-of-its class receiver is using high-quality power transistors to process a highly detailed frequency curve, and the music created by the system parts is sublime. But what about the cables? Unfortunately, if the copper cables linking those system modules aren’t quality-screened, they’ll contain impurities, which will diminish signal fidelity.

Beware Of Poor Quality Audio-Visual System Linkages

And that’s the sad reality, the fact that someone has paid out a fortune for the best HiFi equipment, but then they’ve gone and bought in a reel of inferior copper cable. Somewhere along the line, the thought processes used to construct the AV system have gone awry. An expensive receiver got a big check mark on a shopping list, then the 5.1 speaker system received an equally positive tick. An attractive cabinet was even included so that the modular parts wouldn’t make the living room look ugly. Tragically, perhaps as an afterthought, substandard copper cabling was purchased. After all, all types of metal wiring are the same, right? No, that’s not even remotely true. Let’s see how oxygen-free copper cabling will make a difference to an audio-visual system’s output.

What about the High-Fidelity Linkages?

If simple sinusoidal waveforms can be impacted by high-reactance copper cabling, imagine how the high resistivity wiring will compromise a high-spectrum audio or video waveform. Carrying huge packages of digital data or intricately detailed analogue waveforms, the cable resistivity deforms and attenuates the signal. Pristine when leaving the signal source or receiver, the clean signal arrives at its destination distorted and pockmarked with data discontinuities. Even though the copper wiring used to connect the AV components looks clean and expensive, it’s actually full of impurities, which include oxygen. By the way, oxygen occurs in copper naturally, or it can be added when the metal element is being extracted from whatever mineral it’s trapped inside. To free the oxygen, special electrolytic chemical processes remove the airborne element.

With vacuum-processing equipment and high-temperatures flames removing the metal-trapped oxygen, the metal becomes very nearly pure. Electrolytic processing then finishes the work so that Oxygen-Free Copper (OFC) is created. This material is extraordinarily good at conducting electrical currents. Better yet, when it comes to transmitting low-current signals, those analogue and digital waveforms/data packages travel through the metal without interference. Clean and unaltered in any way, the audio or video information arrives at a speaker or receiver intact, complete with a high signal-to-noise ratio. Again, even though all copper cabling might look alike, only an OFC reel can guarantee a distortion-free, high-fidelity AV signal.

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